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Can you make it so you can change the aspect ratio for android and windows to 16:9 it cuts the image off cause it's forces it to the phones aspect ratio


hi i need help, pls someone reply me;-;

so why cant i use the journal and ship?;-;


I do not believe either of these have been released yet 🤔

The new way to trigger the plot is to go back and forth to Chagatang twice and talk to the big dog.


...And by "Chagatang," do you mean Sweetealand? 🤨 ...Also, I can confirm this does not work for me 🤷🏻‍♂️


i cant buy supply now because its out of stock and i only have 9 weeks left, what to do?


You can buy supplies to restock but you will have to make the coin using Mags glans when you get to an island look at the top left corner and click the button that looks like a you know what head and make all the coins you need then you can buy what you need

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

...I'm guessing "Yanghua City" means Goatown, since you can buy musk there, but when I travel everywhere else with at least one of every purchasable item and, aside from the ones that are demarcated to trigger an event, still nothing happens... 🤔


How do I trigger the Viscount Stearing route/CG?


Seems like I can't buy supplies as well, the 'Confirm buy' button doesn't work


I'm stuck. I can't buy supplies because every time I sell something it fills more the storage space.


why i can not use the ship and journal?


how to trigger Sweetealand event in build 14?


same here i have no idea on how to get it


go to sweetealand and talk to the hyena


I did it one do I have to do it again or do I have to buy something then talk to him


do it again


after i talked to him and got the first show i talked to him again but didn't get  build 14 scene

I really love the story of this vn

On myway to read the fresh update <3

Hey~ ^^_ love this VN so much! I'm having a problem with not being able to buy anymore Supply and I've only got 15 weeks left T_T

Its saying app not installed anyone know hot fix it?(just setting up the app)


Really amazing game but im stuck from running away from my father because it crashes when theres a lot of character(mob or main) on screen. My phone is a potato with 1 gb ram even so can you still do a little game performance increase. Thanks!





I can't save at all after I got to the part where I can buy, the save function doesn't work anymore the screen freezes completely and quick save doesn't work either, the last place I can save is when you finish the nsfw scene with the dragon, after I leave I can't save at all, I'm on android


this is one of rhe hotest vn's i ever played uwu but im exited for futer updates aswell

How do you get with the dad in the new update? Is he a route?

It is in the newest patreon build. For the route question, we might need to ask developer. 

can anyone tell me how to back to the last text if i made a wrong choice


the piano song had me crying, is it published on YouTube?


When I play this game, my phone get lagged

does this game have self voicing

Is there a guide of how to effectively buy and sell instead of getting bankrupt?, because i need to keep on buying bread and none of the shop would sell the cargo in higher percent than the original store.

Sorry, the trading system is not yet complete! Our team has limited program capabilities, but we still try to keep developing them!

(1 edit) (-1)

"Describe Error: there is a problem parsng the package."-android


(1 edit)

Could you please provide us with the model number and memory size of your cell phone?

I tried to download it on my old tablet and got that message, tried on a newt and it worked, mush be the OS is out of date

Hello, I just downloaded the game, but when I try to open it, I get a message that says "The file is damaged". Has this happened to anyone else or is the game itself damaged?

Which platform are you using?

I already solved it, it was the RAR that wouldn't let me extract it, saying that the file was damaged. Now that I downloaded it for the second time, it let me and it didn't give me an error. Thanks for trying to help and sorry for the concern.

i got a question: does the game auto update? since i need to know this.

No, our games don't update automatically, sorry about that.

I have to ask: Is the MC a bottom/Sub?


I don't know for sure but if you go for Sisyphelly's route, you might get to be a dom top

That's all? I had a feeling that would be the case. Thank you for answering my question 

Deleted 357 days ago
Deleted 1 year ago

These two features are not yet complete, sorry for the inconvenience.

Eu estava jogando o jogo e recebi está mensagem///   java.lang.Error: FATAL EXCEPTION [main]

Unity version : 2021.3.6f1

Device model : Xiaomi Redmi Note 9S

Device fingerprint: Redmi/curtana_global/curtana:12/SKQ1.211019.001/V14.0.3.0.SJWMIXM:user/release-keys

Build Type : Release

Scripting Backend : Mono

ABI : armeabi-v7a

Strip Engine Code : false

Caused by: java.lang.Error: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Version '2021.3.6f1 (7da38d85baf6)', Build type 'Release', Scripting Backend 'mono', CPU 'armeabi-v7a'

Build fingerprint: 'Redmi/curtana_global/curtana:12/SKQ1.211019.001/V14.0.3.0.SJWMIXM:user/release-keys'

Revision: '0'

ABI: 'arm'

Timestamp: 2023-08-01 16:17:47-0300

pid: 21131, tid: 21292, name: UnityGfxDeviceW >>> com.Nonohomo.Pirahus <<<

uid: 11553

signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x8

Cause: null pointer dereference

    r0 c6facba0 r1 00000008 r2 00000839 r3 00000000

    r4 00000001 r5 c6f6cec0 r6 00000000 r7 bdc0bf00

    r8 00000080 r9 c39e2220 r10 00000008 r11 00000000

    ip 00000000 sp bdc0beb8 lr c8fcb990 pc c8f7fc60


      #00 pc 00833c60 /data/app/~~hx6zbpKbrEPhCGTa-seepg==/com.Nonohomo.Pirahus-t7qxiV4_CbEgFq50dITg2A==/lib/arm/

      #01 pc 0087f98c /data/app/~~hx6zbpKbrEPhCGTa-seepg==/com.Nonohomo.Pirahus-t7qxiV4_CbEgFq50dITg2A==/lib/arm/

      #02 pc 0087f618 /data/app/~~hx6zbpKbrEPhCGTa-seepg==/com.Nonohomo.Pirahus-t7qxiV4_CbEgFq50dITg2A==/lib/arm/

      #03 pc 00831278 /data/app/~~hx6zbpKbrEPhCGTa-seepg==/com.Nonohomo.Pirahus-t7qxiV4_CbEgFq50dITg2A==/lib/arm/

      #04 pc 009879ab /data/app/~~hx6zbpKbrEPhCGTa-seepg==/com.Nonohomo.Pirahus-t7qxiV4_CbEgFq50dITg2A==/lib/arm/

      #05 pc 0098c97f /data/app/~~hx6zbpKbrEPhCGTa-seepg==/com.Nonohomo.Pirahus-t7qxiV4_CbEgFq50dITg2A==/lib/arm/

      #06 pc 009860ab /data/app/~~hx6zbpKbrEPhCGTa-seepg==/com.Nonohomo.Pirahus-t7qxiV4_CbEgFq50dITg2A==/lib/arm/

      #07 pc 002f1b47 /data/app/~~hx6zbpKbrEPhCGTa-seepg==/com.Nonohomo.Pirahus-t7qxiV4_CbEgFq50dITg2A==/lib/arm/

      #08 pc 000a7e97 /apex/ (pthread_attr_destroy+6) (BuildId: 769a79e8b1a778adcd442c70180a52c8)

 at libunity.0x833c60(Native Method)

 at libunity.0x87f98c(Native Method)

 at libunity.0x87f618(Native Method)

 at libunity.0x831278(Native Method)

 at libunity.0x9879ab(Native Method)

 at libunity.0x98c97f(Native Method)

 at libunity.0x9860ab(Native Method)

 at libunity.0x2f1b47(Native Method)

 at libc.pthread_attr_destroy(pthread_attr_destroy:6)

How do you repeat the scene? Do you just double tap it?

Has anyone had difficulty downloading the game? When I try to install no files are available and then I get hit with his queuing error: 

When queuing download: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘build’ of undefined at file


They  didn't  set a target  platform for each file, so you can't install it through itch app. 

(1 edit)

wait im confused about how the choices work..what does it mean when its blue or yellow


Yellow basically means it will affect the story/plot while blue doesn't

could you do a 32bit version of the game ? tksss

i've lowered the graphics but it stops when i'm at the part where they will set sail for the delivery 

The game keeps stopping when i'm at the part where they will set sail for the delivery I've been trying to reset the game and download it again but it's still wont work.

What operating system are you using? If you are using a cell phone, please tell us the type of phone.

infinix smart and my ram is 2GB


Thank you for the report, we will try to find out the problem.

Hi, im loving the game, btw. how do i load my progress from build 2304 to build 2305? (playing on PC)

Generally, if you are using the same device, the save is in the same location and can be accessed directly.

(1 edit)

Thank u. I really love this game, when i star working ill be heading to support this proyect <


Are we supposed to be able to click on the storage and ship icons because I can only use the map


Storage will be available in the next version (Ship is not yet)

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