A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

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Let's set sail!

Having nearly drowned at sea you find yourself an outsider among the handsome pirate crew who rescued you. They sail by day, do depraved things at night, and you can't keep your mind from thinking about them.

Set sail into the sexy and dangerous story of My Pirate Husbandos. 

Habiendo casi naufragado en el mar, te encuentras como un forastero entre la apuesta tripulación de piratas que te rescató. Navegan de día, hacen cosas depravadas por la noche, y no puedes evitar pensar en ellos. Embarca en la historia sexy y peligrosa de 'Mis Maridos Piratas'. 
Tendo quase se afogado no mar, você se encontra como um estranho entre a bela tripulação pirata que o resgatou. Eles navegam durante o dia, fazem coisas depravadas à noite, e você não consegue parar de pensar neles.Embarque na história sexy e perigosa de Meus Maridos Piratas. 

Supported Languages

  • English
  • Español (Después de la versión 16)
  • Português (A partir da versão 25 do jogo)
  • 繁體中文
  • 简体中文

Made possible by our Patreon!

If this publicly available version of the game, which is lagging behind in progress, leaving you feeling unfulfilled,

Join our Patreon to get early access to new builds.
Follow us on Twitter for previews and release announcements.

Si esta versión públicamente disponible del juego, que está atrasada en su progreso y te hace sentir insatisfecho, únete a nuestro Patreon para acceder antes a las nuevas actualizaciones. ¡Síguenos en Twitter para adelantos y anuncios de lanzamiento!

Se esta versão pública do jogo, que está atrasada no progresso, está te deixando insatisfeito, Junte-se ao nosso Patreon para ter acesso antecipado a novas versões. Siga-nos no Twitter para prévias e anúncios de lançamentos.

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To the players who have encountered bugs:

Updated 24 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(534 total ratings)
TagsAdult, Bara, Fantasy, Furry, Gay, kemono, pirahus, Pirates


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

PirahusPCBuild30.zip 374 MB
PirahusMacBuild30.zip 383 MB
PirahusAndroidBuild30.apk 423 MB

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(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Is it bad that the Grand duke is kind of my Favorit character? 😅
i honestly wish we had more (losing) scenes with him and would even be up to sabotage the crew to lose more fights to him 😈

(1 edit) (-2)

havent played this in a hot minute because the last update i played was on my phone and the game kept crashing when i tried to load a save. are the backgrounds still ai? 🥲


When reading an archive, flipping through pages is likely to crash. Remember the location of the archive you want to read, quickly or slowly locate that page and read it until the game does not crash. The first thing to do after reading the archive is to save it to the first page, because reading the file on the first page will not crash. Try to save the archive to the first page. (From machine translation)

(2 edits)

I've been playing this novel for quite some time now, but one question still haunts me. How old is our main hero?

This question became especially important when I started the plot with his father. I really want to know the hero's age at the moment when he had a flashback about his past before getting on the pirate ship.

(Also can you tell me how old is main character in the scene, where he and his father getting a bath together due to Darius' fault?)

(2 edits)

I think MC was somewhere between late 18 and 20 years old when he ran away.

He mentions some info about his responsibilities on Main Land after he came of age (or something like that).

Thank you very much!

Does anyone know a way to make money other than inflating the price of pirate coins? I've managed to make quite a bit already but asking for an ever increasing amount to continue the story is pretty unsustainable in the long run with my already inflated method. I don't think I can keep up with the story or I don't have much idea how to do it right now (and ignoring inflation is not a feasible option) 😥

I really like the game, the narrative and the characters, especially Poseidon and Magdicus make my heart melt x3, but now I'm a bit stuck to progress.

Would help to know at what point in the story you are or how much money you need to make right now.
I myself seldom use the pirate coins at all. i mostly make my money with watches, and alot of it, with an increasing battle power of the ship i also get free money whenever i enter a ship battle. 

so yeah, money hasnt really been an issue so far.


Hi....dumb question but how do you progress through the game like...money wise? I'm dumb and need help

Well. buy low, sell high ,quite often you wanna do a trade to a harbor that further away since its more likely they pay higher (but not always). if you a very low on money, you can use self made pirate coins but i wouldnt do that to often since it devalues them.

Once you got money, upgrade your ship, storage doesnt give you much (the devs  should really up that) but a higher battle power is really useful since it basicly means free money later when you encounter stuff.

Once you have bought enough upgrades your ship will go up a lvl. thats when i noticed that new events became avaible.


I have a problem where I can't go past the pirate fight when I lose I tried to save the game and restart but i still can't go past it I'm on Android any one a have a solution ?

(2 edits)

there appears to be some kind of glitch? I located the gallery. and A BUNCH of previously unlocked scenes are locked again. the use of the sex toys. and other previously viewed scenes are all locked again. buying the sex toys don't seem to trigger those events anymore. Am I seriously gonna have to start from scratch to unlock those scenes again?

Hello recently found this game and I'm loving it but I'm having an issue where I'm being soft locked after losing a pirate fight between islands. I play on Android so I'm unsure on how to send over the game files. 

I thought it might be because my save slot had 0 silver coins since I used it on a ship upgrade maybe the game didn't know how to subtract silver from me since I didn't have any. But when I made a new save file and skipped to the same part the game still soft locked me after losing the fight. 


Never mind I found the solution for some reason you get soft locked if you read normally but if you press the skip button just to skip past the fight then you don't get soft locked (hope this helps the devs and the players)



Very good art and an interesting plot. The currency trading system is fun and not too complicated, even for those who haven't played this kind of buy-and-sell game can maximise their profits (and avoid the risks of the sea) by archives. As an independently developed niche game, it's admirable that the author has managed to keep updating it to such a high level of completion, and I wish it gets better and better.

We need a poly Sciron and Poseidong route OwO

(1 edit) (+1)


First of all, I like this game very much. Secondly, I am sorry to mention another game from the same developer (Sexual Fetish Lion) on this game. It is also a game I like very much. But today I went to the author's homepage and did not find this game. I want to know why it disappeared. I am very sad. This may be a stupid question, but I still like to explain it briefly without hurting anyone, because I am stupid.

(2 edits) (+1)

For now, VN will not have regular updates like those of the pirates.

You can go to this link for more details.


The password to open the page is this: KinkTeller


Is there a Discord link?


l find bug in androied wall l have 58 food but game showing me 19 week food reaming and l sell them all -25 :D nice bug


I really want an incest route.



(1 edit) (+2)

I'm not really into incest, but I don't kinkshame and I wouldn't stop playing this game if they added such content, provided they don't force it as part of the main route and it's optional.




Hola estoy teniendo problemas con el guardado el juego cuando sobreescribo un archivo de guardado se cierra . AYUDAAA


Suele pasar eso si usas el boton de skip forward, prueba avanzar sin saltar escenas y guarda


vale borraré todo y lo volveré instalar por que ya ni me deja cargar el guardado y lo intentaré sin usar el voto de skip mu has gracias por contestar:)


wait. I thought MC was invisible. I mean first person perspective. I'm glad it turns out we have a form. Sorry I haven't finished the story further


its kinda annoying that everitime i try to save the game, the game freezes and then i lose all my progress cuz i couldnt save, i cant play this game if i cant save.

Go to " /AppData/LocalLow/Nonohomo/Pirahus/NaninovelData/Saves " and backup the folder (just in case), then delete the saves you dont need anymore and see if it helps.

You might have too many saves or something, i have 55 and the game struggles with them, i think.


Some of my favorite moments with the Lads 
(1 edit) (+2)





Alguien me puede ayudar a desbloquear el evento de la tercera visita a Goatown?? He estado siguiendo todos los pasos de la guía, pero después de la última misión en Jusei, no me salen misiones en Goatown.

(Can someone help me unlock the third visit to Goatown event?? I've been following all the steps in the guide, but after the last mission in Jusei, I'm not getting any missions in Goatown)





I can't wait for Build 29 cause Sciron is one of my favorite characters!

sometimes when i try to rewrite save, game copletely freezes

Looking at the artstyle, seems that the illustrator is Renoky?


great game! I'd love if there was a guide somewhere, as I cant help getting a bit confused on what Im supposed to be doing sometimes lol

There is a guide available in the official discord.


Hola,una pregunta está actualización no viene con la traducción? Solo me sale en chino

La traducción al español solo está hasta la versión 16 por el momento.

Es un bug, yo lo estoy jugando en español

Elige al principio "English" --> vas a "Settings", donde pone Idioma, està por defecto el "Chino TI" y cambias a Español

(Juego en móvil, así que no sé si funciona en PC)

Deleted 78 days ago

My game won't launch, it lets me download the game but when I try to open the file it says that it can't open. I don't know if it's just my phone, I think it might be but it just makes me sad :(, I was looking forward to the game. If anyone could help me or had had the same problem and was able to fix it I would appreciate the help. Other then that have a great day and stay safe out there y'all.

I had the same problem before. Later, I realized that as the file name I downloaded ended with ".apk.zip", I may have to unzip it. then I did it and I found the APK was inside the folder. Hope these could help.

Thank you so much, Im able to play it now. Thanks for the help

Hey does anyone know the Kinkteller password. I think this is the same creator? It used to not have a password and they suddenly added one a few months later. 

I tried to google the password, but I can't find it. I looked on discord the password is buried deep or a lot of the comments were in a language I couldn't read so that was a bust

I found it today.

(1 edit) (+1)

would it be possable to put the linux tag on the pc build as well steam deck and Linux can play it via wine/proton on there and that we on linux cant download the pc verson if the tag isnt there on the itch.io app/launcher

(1 edit)

Eu queria jogar o jogo mas eu gostaria de saber se tem como eu acessar todo o conteúdo que tem em apenas um save, ou se eu teria que criar varios.

In the part where I am, the translation appears in Chinese while in the settings it is in Portuguese. How can I solve this?


I have a question and it is if there will be incest with the father of the protagonist owo, is that his father is very sexy 7w7


How Do I move forward in the story? I just finished learning about why mc ran away and now every place I go to there is no new diolouge or anything?

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