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There has been a update oh my gash thank you finally!!


Do you think you'll add a gallery at some point? I wouldn't have asked but I don't think I can take screenshots within the game without doing a regular screen capture which would be a bit inconvenient

(2 edits) (+2)

This VN is ngl very fun, interesting, hillarious, enjoyable, filled with a lot of pleasure and charming husbandos (the title itself pretty self explanatory I suppose).. and also.. uhh..

p̶̶r̶̶o̶̶b̶̶a̶̶b̶̶l̶̶y̶ ̶a̶̶w̶̶o̶̶k̶̶e̶̶n̶ ̶s̶̶o̶̶m̶̶e̶̶t̶̶h̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ ̶e̶̶l̶̶s̶̶e̶ ̶i̶̶n̶ ̶m̶̶e̶ ̶(̶̶?̶̶)̶  *cough *cough

Aaanyways, this VN deserve lots of good good ⭐ eh.. 


Howdy creator I really like the game Hope to have mo like this in the future


Hi i love the VN i just like toask what soundtrack did you use in the main menu/title screen 


I have never seen so many games that have made me grin as hard as these. This one especially.


I've just decided: I don't like the human
And I wish pirates existed irl.


The story is so cozy and enjoyable it motivated me to finally get up and my make first review! I'm super exited to see future updates!!!




this is what true art looks like, this is the epitome of the sublime

*chef's kiss*


Its all gay or is like housamo

Have you seen any female characters in the VN yet? lol

Hello, I really liked your novel. I am a translator from Russia, and I am involved in a project to translate short stories for Russian mortals, and I would really like to translate your story into Russian, can I do it? I would like to get in touch with you if possible.  Hello, please come to our discord to discuss this matter. Although the others should be sleeping right now.

Thank you, wrote Tao GongSun


Cant wait to spend more time with these characters!!!

what does the mc look like /gen


I love it! Renoky my fav artist


So is RN at Build 2?


Build 2209 is Build 2


感觉和主人公有点心灵感应,我的想法总会和第三个选项出奇地一致()还有还有,肥的粗口太棒了,好想魂穿丢丢(ノ∇︎〃 )

I tried to download it for the Android  version but  it didn't work


Extract zip and cliCK the apk

Um i don't know if you already know this, but the Android version have a problem it not automatically get to horizontal/landscape mode, for some reason its fix at vertikal

Can you made it to automatically fit on horizontally/landscape mode when you open the app

We are sorry, this has been fixed in Build 3 (please wait for next month or become our sponsor!)

(1 edit) (+3)

Your name "nonohomo" is ironically the state of the mc right now lol

(2 edits) (+1)

I love it game and can't wait continue update it game ❤ I will always support you and support the game!

我起喜愛這遊戲和期待更新遊戲 ❤我會一直支持你和支持遊戲!


Is there gonna be an update schedule?


Def would love some more. 100% love this


will there be update soon?


The MC its a human ?


nope. It's implied they're an anthro but not specified which kind. But they have fur, and paws. 

este jogo terá a versão Android pls 


I want to Android download it game pls,  thx


will do!

你好!我是一个毛茸茸的 VN 爱好者,一直想尝试新的 VN,我似乎找到了一个。
如果您希望在您的 VN 上宣传/讨论/让更多人了解或获得反馈、提示和网络,如果您有不和谐,我强烈建议您检查这个不和谐服务器。它是我发现你的游戏的地方。  
它是 VN 开发人员的绝佳资源中心。该服务器有很多乐于助人的人和良好的氛围。您可以搜索具有程序员/翻译等才能的特定人员。  



Is this game able to screenshot at the moment? Just curious.

This feature is not currently available




is there a way to save the progress i cant seem to find it thank youuu!!


the... [Save] option?

the game looks great so far, very sexy characters



I like it so far, but I noticed that when I unzipped the PC version it had a MAC folder. I don't know if it was full or empty since I deleted it but I thought it was strange. As for the game, I have zero issues so far other than not knowing for sure what is a thought and what is an actual 'verbal' response in most choices. That's probably just me not paying attention to the icons, but I tend to read the text first.

Yeah, the icon is different. Also, actual important choices are in a different color. A lot of the "thought" choices seem to just be for flavor, at least so far.

Well the branching choices were obvious yeah. I'm grateful for that. Just at first I didn't realize some of them were thoughts only until a few choices in. Not a big deal, though at first I wondered if it was an Extracurricular Activities situation where the one I show the most interest in becomes the main husbando lol.

LOL That seems to be the folder created when the file is compressed with MAC, just ignore it. And The important choices are different color.


Hmmm, I wish to marry all of them.




Loving the game so far, looks great and the characters are really hot (I want that bear to choke me) ahem... there is a way to save the game? I tried pressing a bunch of buttons but couldn't figured out how if saving is a mechanic.


Choke me daddy

Save button at the bottom


oh god, yes shower me with hot and sexy husbandos. let me drown in them.


more husbandos are coming for you

yessss. more please

Have to admit, I like all three husbandos so far. Will be keeping an eye on this!

Husbandos to all of you!

I am in general really not interested in VNs, except the really well mades/ original ones, say adastra/minotaur hotel.
And i really must say, this is one of the few that picked my interest, it's a setting i personally haven't seen much if at all, lovely character designs and a story that can go pretty deep and has a lot of potential.
Will be closely following progress on this one, keep it up


Thank you for your love, we will do our best.

Will there he Android versionI soon? 

Android version please...


Currently only people who sponsor us get the Android version (Patreon/Fanbox/Afdian). And we will provide the Free Android version in the next release!


thank you for that information, wish you all the success...

(1 edit) (+1)

This was so much fun, anxiety filled second build, but exciting. Must protect Dropa as the cutest most precious himbo. Hope we get to see him again. For now captain my favorite character and I will protect his beautiful charm 🥰 (fight me fallen)







Hey there is something wrong with the PC version. it will not run.

It worked fine on my end, how did you try running it on yours?

Is it possible to say something more specific about the error? Because our tests are running normally.

I figured it out. I was not paying attention. sorry to worry you. 

the confirm for the pc when you want to buy something isn't working sorry and I've downloaded the latest version 

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